Die 5 besten Nahrungsergänzungen für Hunde | muunchy.de
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Die 5 besten Nahrungsergänzungen für Hunde

The 5 Best Supplements for Dogs

A good dietary supplement for dogs can not only help to improve their skin and coat. Vitamins and other minerals in the food sensibly cover the need for nutrients that a dog needs. This is a particularly easy way to prevent deficiency symptoms.

Omega 3 and 6 to strengthen the immune system and vitality

Just like in humans, the right fatty acids also help dogs to maintain their health. The omega-3 fatty acid strengthens the immune system and allows inflammatory processes to subside more quickly. It also improves the flow properties of the blood. The omega-6 fatty acid is a component of cell membranes and therefore important for growth and various repair processes in the body. A good ratio between the two fatty acids can be found in hemp oil and salmon oil . Both oils can be excellently added to the dog's barf when barfing.

Support for the musculoskeletal system

Many four-legged friends get problems with their joints, but this is not necessary. Because with natural food supplements such as green-lipped mussel, the joints usually improve. Cartilage, connective tissue and bones support the dietary supplements glucosamine, collagen hydrolyzate and gelatine hydrolyzate as well as various medicinal herbs. The vet can recommend good dietary supplements in the form of powders or tablets.

To promote good digestion

A healthy diet with carrots, pea flakes and the like is a good basis. However, some dogs just need more support. A good intestinal flora preparation with healthy herbs can work wonders, for example with:

  • nettles
  • thyme
  • peppermint
  • oregano
  • hibiscus
  • Echinacea
  • fenugreek seeds
  • yarrow
  • bedstraw
  • chicory

Good nutrients for skin and coat

High-quality, cold-pressed oils such as salmon oil, hemp oil or coconut oil can help with dry dog ​​skin and itching. But also brewer's yeast or biotin, one of the B vitamins, ensure better dog skin and hair.

bad breath and dental care

Calcium and various toothbrush sticks are available for oral and dental care. Seaweed and chlorophyll can be used as an additional dietary supplement for better bad breath and oral hygiene. The preparations should only contain natural ingredients.

Optimally supply dogs with a dietary supplement

Stress and unhealthy foods also mean that dogs need more vitamins. However, a good selection of more fruit and vegetables in the feed is a great way to ensure that no vitamin is missing. If in doubt, always ask your veterinarian for help. Do not experiment on your dog.

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