Tipps für ein glänzendes und gesundes Fell | muunchy.de
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Tipps für ein glänzendes und gesundes Fell

Tips for a shiny and healthy coat

Dog owners are happy when their dog has a beautiful, shiny coat. If you are one of them, you should read this short post. After that you know the most important thing, so that your dog always has a shiny and healthy coat without any problems.

As outside so inside - the hermetic principle of the dog

If your dog suddenly doesn't have a nice, shiny coat, it's usually worth keeping a close eye on what's going on. If the four-legged friend doesn't just come out of the mud puddle and his fur changes anyway, then something is usually wrong inside. The first step would be to check the lining.

Does it have all the healthy ingredients a healthy dog ​​needs? If your dog is already on our high-quality food and still doesn't see any improvement, you should check with the vet to make sure everything is ok. If a health problem is identified there, you will receive the necessary instructions from the veterinarian. In the other case, it could still be due to the wrong care.

Wash the dog properly

Of course, dogs in particular that move a lot in nature could also just be dirty. But when showering the dog you can also do a lot wrong. The wrong shampoo can destroy the coat's protective layer and the natural shine is gone. Of course there is now gentle dog shampoo. You can also just use baby shampoo. Best of all is usually pure water and nothing else. A dog does not usually need any special hair care, conditioner or anything like that.

The right nutrients for a shiny coat

In addition to the normal premium food mentioned above with all daily nutrients, there are also useful food supplements for dogs. Especially omega-3 fatty acids and some vitamins and minerals can restore the old shine. This includes:

  • Zinc and vitamin B2 (riboflavin) for protein and fat metabolism.
  • Copper for protein synthesis.
  • Biotin for strengthening the skin and claws.
  • Vitamin C for improved skin wound healing.
  • Vitamin E to protect the skin from oxidative stress.
  • Vitamin A for skin and hair regeneration.

When it comes to oils with a good Omega 3 content, it is best to use salmon oil and hemp oil. So you notice that you achieve the greatest effect from within. Of course, proper grooming with regular brushing is always a part of long-haired dogs.

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